Unveiling the Beauty of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Lilly white crested geckos are captivating creatures known for their unique characteristics and stunning appearance. With their distinct coloration and patterns, they have become incredibly popular among reptile enthusiasts.

In this article, we will delve into the world of lilly white crested geckos, exploring their origins, allure, care requirements, breeding and genetics, as well as availability and acquisition.

What Are Lilly White Crested Geckos?

Lilly white crested geckos are a fascinating morph of the crested gecko species. They have a rich history and unique genetic traits that set them apart from other crested gecko morphs. Unlike their counterparts, lilly white crested geckos exhibit a striking white coloration that is truly mesmerizing. Additionally, they may possess other unique features that make them even more captivating.

Lilly White Crested Geckos! Breeders, Holdbacks and more!

How to Identify a Lilly White Crested Gecko

Distinguishing a lilly white crested gecko from other crested gecko morphs can be a fascinating task. While there are no definitive external features that solely identify them as lilly whites, there are certain characteristics to look for. Here are some indicators that can help you identify a lilly white crested gecko:

  1. White Coloration: As the name suggests, lilly white crested geckos exhibit a predominantly white or off-white base color. This is a distinct trait that sets them apart from other morphs. However, it’s important to note that some lilly whites may have faint patterns or markings in lighter shades.
  2. Reduced or Absent Dark Pigmentation: Lilly white crested geckos often lack the typical dark pigmentation seen in other crested gecko morphs. This includes the absence or reduction of dark spots, stripes, or other patterns commonly found in their counterparts.
  3. Unique Pattern Variations: While lilly white crested geckos are known for their white coloration, they can still exhibit various patterns, albeit in lighter shades. Look for intricate patterns in cream or pastel colors, which can range from spots and speckles to more elaborate designs resembling lace or marbling.

It’s important to remember that visual identification alone may not always be foolproof, as individual geckos can exhibit variations within the lilly white morph. To ensure accuracy, consult with experienced breeders or reptile experts who can provide further guidance and expertise in identifying lilly white crested geckos.

By understanding the key visual characteristics and seeking expert advice, you can enhance your ability to identify and appreciate the unique beauty of lilly white crested geckos.

Habitat of Lilly White Crested Geckos

The Natural Habitat of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Lilly white crested geckos originate from the lush rainforests of New Caledonia, a group of islands in the South Pacific. In their natural habitat, they can be found dwelling among the branches and leaves of trees. These geckos are excellent climbers, utilizing their specialized toe pads to navigate their arboreal surroundings with ease.

The rainforest environment provides the perfect conditions for lilly white crested geckos. They thrive in the warm and humid climate, with temperatures ranging from 72-80°F (22-27°C) and humidity levels around 60-70%. These geckos are primarily nocturnal, emerging from their hiding spots at night to hunt for insects and explore their surroundings.

Behavior of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Lilly white crested geckos are known for their docile and gentle nature, making them ideal pets for reptile enthusiasts. They are generally calm and tolerant of handling, making it easier to interact with them. However, it’s important to handle them with care and ensure they feel secure to avoid any stress or potential injury.

These geckos are predominantly arboreal and spend most of their time climbing and exploring their environment. They possess a unique ability to regenerate their tails if they happen to lose them due to stress or injury. This regrowth process, known as autotomy, is a fascinating adaptation that helps them escape from predators.

Lifespan of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Lilly white crested geckos have a relatively long lifespan compared to other reptiles. When provided with proper care and a suitable environment, they can live for 15 to 20 years or even longer. This makes them a long-term commitment for reptile enthusiasts looking to add them to their family.

It’s important to note that the lifespan of lilly white crested geckos can be influenced by various factors, including their overall health, genetics, and the quality of care they receive. Providing a well-balanced diet, a comfortable habitat, and regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for ensuring their longevity and well-being.

By understanding their natural habitat, behavior, and lifespan, we can better appreciate the unique characteristics and needs of lilly white crested geckos. This knowledge allows us to create a suitable environment that closely mimics their natural habitat, ensuring they thrive and live a healthy and fulfilling life in captivity.

The Allure of Lilly White Crested Geckos

The aesthetic appeal of lilly white crested geckos cannot be overstated. They have gained immense popularity in the reptile community due to their exceptional beauty and their ability to stand out among other crested gecko morphs. The variations and patterns found in lilly white crested geckos are diverse and often exhibit a level of intricacy that is simply breathtaking. Their unique appearance makes them highly sought after by reptile enthusiasts.

To better understand their allure, imagine a crested gecko with a pure white base color, adorned with delicate patterns in shades of cream and pastel. These patterns can take various forms, ranging from spots and stripes to intricate designs resembling lace. The combination of their white coloration and these mesmerizing patterns creates a truly captivating sight.

Caring for Lilly White Crested Geckos

Proper care is essential to ensure the health and well-being of lilly white crested geckos. Their habitat requirements, including enclosure setup, temperature, and humidity, must be carefully considered. Providing a suitable environment that mimics their natural habitat is crucial for their overall health and happiness.

Lilly white crested geckos thrive in moderate temperatures, typically between 72-80°F (22-27°C). Their enclosure should include hiding spots, branches for climbing, and live plants to create a stimulating and enriching environment. Maintaining adequate humidity levels, around 60-70%, is vital to support their shedding process and prevent dehydration.

In terms of diet, lilly white crested geckos are primarily insectivores. Their diet should consist of a variety of appropriately sized insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. Additionally, providing a balanced powdered diet formulated specifically for crested geckos is essential to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.

Breeding and Genetics of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Breeding lilly white crested geckos involves specific considerations due to their unique genetic traits. Understanding the inheritance patterns and genetics involved is crucial for successful breeding. Selective breeding techniques have been employed to enhance and maintain the lilly white morph, resulting in an even more striking appearance.

Through selective breeding, breeders aim to produce lilly white crested geckos with desirable traits while maintaining their health and genetic diversity. This involves carefully selecting breeding pairs and tracking lineage to ensure the preservation and improvement of the morph. With patience and dedication, breeders continue to refine the lilly white crested gecko line.

Availability and Acquisition of Lilly White Crested Geckos

Finding reputable breeders or sources for lilly white crested geckos is essential when considering adding one of these captivating creatures to your collection. Reputable breeders prioritize the

health and quality of their geckos, ensuring they are well-cared for and free from any genetic or health issues.

When acquiring a lilly white crested gecko, it is important to evaluate its overall health and condition. Look for clear eyes, healthy skin, and a well-fed appearance.

Additionally, inquire about the gecko’s lineage and ask the breeder any questions you may have about its care requirements. Building a relationship with a trustworthy breeder can provide ongoing support and guidance as you embark on your journey with lilly white crested geckos.

The Lilly White Crested Gecko Project

The lilly white crested gecko project has an intriguing history that has evolved over time. It began with the discovery of the lilly white morph and has since captured the imagination of reptile enthusiasts worldwide. The project has grown steadily, and breeders continue to work towards improving the morph while maintaining its uniqueness and genetic diversity.

Currently, the future prospects of the lilly white crested gecko project are promising. With dedicated breeders and a growing interest in this morph, we can expect to see further advancements in breeding techniques and the development of even more striking lilly white crested geckos.

What are some common misconceptions about Lilly White crested geckos?

Here are some common misconceptions about Lilly White crested geckos:

  • Misconception 1: Lilly White crested geckos are completely white.
    • Truth: Baby Lilly White crested geckos are likely to appear less white along the dorsal and laterals with a yellowish or orange colour that fades with age, however, they should still have a solid white tail. The underneath of the tail can show pattern and colour but it will not cross over to the top half of the gecko.
  • Misconception 2: Lilly White crested geckos are fragile and have a high fatality rate.
    • Truth: While it is true that breeding two Lilly White crested geckos together can result in a high fatality rate in the offspring, pairing a Lilly White to a non-Lilly White gecko should result in Lilly White and non-Lilly White offspring.
  • Misconception 3: It is easy to tell if a crested gecko is a Lilly White.
    • Truth: Sometimes low expression Lilly Whites can be hard to distinguish from other crested gecko morphs.
  • Misconception 4: Lilly White crested geckos are easy to handle.
    • Truth: While they are not aggressive, Lilly White crested geckos are not keen on being handled. 


Lilly white crested geckos are undoubtedly among the most captivating and beautiful crested gecko morphs. Their unique white coloration and intricate patterns make them highly sought after by reptile enthusiasts. By providing the proper care and understanding their genetic traits, we can ensure their well-being and continue to appreciate their exceptional beauty.

Owning lilly white crested geckos can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Their enchanting appearance and the joy they bring to their owners make them truly special creatures. Take the time to explore and appreciate the fascinating world of lilly white crested geckos, and you will be rewarded with a captivating companion like no other.

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